The Aging Key helps you fight your battle against life
The Aging Key helps you fight your battle against life
The doctor recently said to my wife, "The fifties are the new thirteenth, the seventies are the new fifties." Asks the question, is this true? I personally find two realities. Most of the people I talk to outside of my natural health world feel like they are not the same as before. "Boy do I feel my age?" I hear such comments. As we age, most of us will begin to experience some of the pain and aging of aging, including sex drive and declining energy, but should we?
In my world, I also talk to people every day who say, "I feel better today than I did twenty years ago." These people have learned some secrets along the way and they live by working in a new reality. Somewhere along the way someone or someone has guided them for better information. I hope this article can be a really exciting and new beginning for some of you.
This is a scientific fact. In most cases it is possible to reverse cellular aging and experience new realities. Here are some real world stories that illustrate my point.
In my world, I also talk to people every day who say, "I feel better today than I did twenty years ago." These people have learned some secrets along the way and they live by working in a new reality. Somewhere along the way someone or someone has guided them for better information. I hope this article can be a really exciting and new beginning for some of you.
This is a scientific fact. In most cases it is possible to reverse cellular aging and experience new realities. Here are some real world stories that illustrate my point.
Real world success stories
One case is that there was a couple in their 70s and almost walked out of bed. He was playing competitive tennis again after improving his micro nutritional profile in six months. Another example is one day I got a call. This woman starts the conversation by saying “what’s going on”. I had no idea where she was going. She had read an article of mine about the vitamin plan I developed called the "Daily Protocol". She started implementing this plan and she got results faster than ever. This surprised her because she had tried everything for years. This is the scary part. In ten years, she didn't feel good about cleaning the house or having breakfast for her family. Her doctors had tried everything from anti-depressants, anxiety medications and sleeping pills. Nothing worked. In less than two weeks according to my instructions, she started cleaning the house, having breakfast, pooling the car, and living again.
Sub-clinical deficiency
Scientists are increasingly studying a condition called "sub-clinical deficiency." You don't feel well. I wish you felt like you were using it. Still, the doctor says there is nothing wrong with you; However, you know differently. Increasingly, anti-depressants, sleeping pills and anxiety medications are prescribed. Sometimes they are needed when the prognosis is not indisputable but as an alternative, there must be a good way, and there is.
Scientists believe that the "sub-clinical deficiency" may explain why some of us do not feel the way we use it. At the cellular level your body is starving for good nutrients that are needed to optimize body functions and systems. All of the many reasons why this happens to you are due to the loss of enzyme activity for the gut syndrome caused by your food choices. Sometimes there can be other conditions that block nutrition in such good conditions. The good news is that you can find out if you are "suffering from sub-clinical deficiencies" by implementing an optimal supplement plan. If in 30-60 days you feel different (normal), then you know where to focus. In my experience it works a lot.
Micronutrient absorption decreases with age
As we age, our ability to absorb the critical nutrients in our food also decreases. If you are mixing this problem with foods that are declining in your nutritional values, no matter how well you eat, you will be forced to supplement if you want to feel great. Older people often hang out with me about anti-aging supplements like glucose for pain but fail miserably to lay the groundwork for declining nutritional values. Not only will the new generation of supplements attract declining nutritional value, but they also offer enhanced bio-active ingredients that have the potential to boost your mitochondria and reverse cellular aging.
Last but not least, the victims of modern day advertising are the first vitamins to be taken are Cent-rum and other one-day multivitamins. These vitamins have a very low absorption rate and can do nothing but help one meet the recommended daily allowance when they actually need an optimal daily allowance that includes not only vitamins and minerals but vitamins, minerals, amino acids, antioxidants, concentrically. , Nutritionists, specific herbs, adaptions and omega 3s. You should take your nutritional profile more seriously if you want to avoid chronic illness and increase your chances of getting a high quality lifestyle every ten years after the age of 40.
* Some products are groups of products because group coordination means they work together in addition to each other.
The Natural Biology Lab has developed a daily protocol that includes 8 products from the above ten product groups to insure micro nutrient saturation. Scientists have discovered that the dense micro-nutrients (extracts with bio-active ingredients) in your cell can alter the cellular environment and your DNA so that it actively responds to nourishment, repair, protection and regeneration of your cellular life. This comprehensive approach is called molecularity medicine, developed by two-time Nobel laureate Linus Pauling. New theories acknowledge that aging is a third genetics, a third nutrition, and a third stress management.
Okinawa Coral Calcium: Marine grade is an accurate step in nature with a two to one ratio of calcium to magnesium as well as 74 trace minerals. With age, if you do not get enough calcium and magnesium, your body steals calcium from your bones, and magnesium deficiency affects everything from poor digestion to cardiovascular problems.
Vitamin D3: Five years ago, common sense was more toxic than 400IU per day, yet multiple studies in 200in have shown that 1000IU or 5000IU can be in the same order. In fact, growing physicians prescribe I, U, or more to anyone over the age of fifty to increase bone strength and help with a stronger immune system. Just about every major illness or disease is associated with some degree of vitamin D deficiency. These include the common cold, flu and cancer. It is estimated that 80% of Americans are deficient in vitamin D.
Restorative: This may be the most important micro nutrient in the history of vitamins. Restorative is a good ingredient in red wine, and recent research confirms that restorative does everything it can to help prevent cancer, lower blood sugar, and prolong life. This is a necessary supplement.
Alpha Politic Id / Acetyl-L-Incarnadine: This powerful combination reverses cellular aging. Dr. at Berkeley. Brew Mes ms discovered in 2004 that this combination in high capacity provides the mitochondria with the resources needed to nourish, protect and regenerate our cells. Everyone over the age of 50 should consider this.
Tropical Antioxidants: These powerful antioxidants introduce new types of antioxidants that interact very effectively with humans. They have high values of OR AC. OR AC measures how effective an antioxidant is; However, the decisive factor of OR AC is how well the antioxidant works against laboratory experiments in humans. With tropical antioxidants you get a high OAXACA that works human biology. Antioxidants are critical to offset the free radical damage of aging. All types of stress cause free radicals from real stress, medication, exercise, smoking, alcohol, environmental toxins, and so on.
Colostrum: Biotin Colostrum is readily available from cows. Colostrum is the mother's first milk as a natural birth process. It is full of nutrients filled with antibodies and cannot be duplicated otherwise in nature Biotin (cow) colostrum is almost bio-similar to human colostrum. It supports healthy human growth hormone levels (HGH) which decrease dramatically with your age.
Glucose: This glycol-nutrient is well known to help with joint health. Glucose replaces cushioning fluids between joints and helps to renew joint conditions. This is a must have, for any Affiliate, promoting any program.
Vitamin C: You know that your body can produce the required amount of vitamins as long as it contains the right amount of minerals, but Vitamin C is an exception. You need to get vitamin C from diet or supplements. The father of or tho-molecular medicine, Dr. Linus Pauling used vitamin C to prevent and cure colds and to strengthen the immune system. Everyone should take vitamin C daily.
CoQ10: CoQ10 is a vitamin-like substance that is critical for cardiovascular health. It is an antioxidant and is removed from your body when you take stain drugs to lower cholesterol. CoQ10 is an incredible fuel for your cell's mitochondria. The mitochondria are the energy of each cell. Just take the immunology form.
Whey protein: Whey is a protein. Protein contains amino acids which are essentially DNA and the essence of life. While other proteins (soy, eggs, etc.) are on the market, the study done after the study shows that it is much better than whey. Whey can be used to get insurance for vegetarians or to change the diet for dieters. If you exercise, this is a great way to feed your muscles after a workout.
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