Energy, Endurance and Hydration During Intense Exercise

Energy supplements are often used to enhance athletic performance by boosting and rejuvenating the body's energy levels.

Many athletes will use an energy supplement before and possibly during a demanding regime or performance. Typically, athletes will be seen to take an energy gel or drink to fuel their body with a convenient and concentrated source of carbohydrates.

Nitric Oxide supplements also offer a wide range of benefits to energy levels such as increased blood flow, improved oxygen delivery, and improved absorption of glucose of the body. Nitric Oxide Supplements also contain keto-acids, which current researches have shown are effective in delaying muscle fatigue.

Alongside a balanced and healthy diet, the use of energy supplements are a valuable resource to increase overall athletic endurance and enable a vigorous performance when required.

Dehydration is generally defined as the progressive depletion of body fluids caused when fluid losses, for whatever reason, exceed fluid intake.

Whilst many of us drink enough fluids throughout the day to keep hydrated many will still dehydrate during exercise which will subsequently impair both physical and mental performance. Fluid losses during exercise need to be replenished regularly as the feeling of thirst will be suppressed during this period.

Bodily fluids are lost during exercise predominately through sweating. Not only are fluids lost during high intensity physical activity or in a hot environment but also for any prolonged activity in all conditions.

Maintaining adequate hydration levels allows all athletes to train harder and longer, reduce the chance of injury and increase recovery rates.

Certain sports such as rugby, soccer, long-distance running and basketball may deprive you of energy, water and salts. Dehydration can cause athletes to exhaust early and lose stamina. In order to avoid heat-related illnesses particularly dehydration during sports, you need to keep yourself hydrated before and during outdoor as well as indoor activities.

Hydration, along with all other areas of sports nutrition, plays an integral role for all those involved in physical activity. This can be combated with the use of isotonic drinks

Isotonic drinks are designed to replace fluids lost by sweating and to replenish energy levels in the body through their carbohydrate content in the form of concentrated glucose.

Apart from assisting in the body's rehydration and energy levels to compete optimally, Isotonic drinks contain electrolytes. Electrolytes are essentially salts which aid the osmosis of fluid absorbed into the working muscles. These essential salts are lost during sweating.

Isotonic drinks are useful sports supplements and are often used by athletes to allow them to train longer and more effectively than consuming water alone.

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